Finishing the Masters the Educational Journey

Learning to Put it all TOGETHER:

Talking about what you want to do and taking the steps toward changing the lives of families and children are very different things. When I started this program, I knew I wanted to change the lives of middle-class families struggling to pay for child care. Though I was not sure how to take the steps to start the process. Through the programs at Walden University I have discovered:

  • How to communicate my goals to others in the community and government.
  • How to build a community of practice
  • Where to look for professionals and community members to build the team that will work toward the goal of financial independence for middle-class families.
  • Ways to interview, research, and gather data to ensure a proper presentation is presented to benefactors and government officials.


My goal is to inform, educate, and advocate on the “low” income funding guidelines. I want to discover ways for childcare centers to find community and government sponsors for middle-class families.


Entering into the Master’s program I was excited to see professional colleagues joining me in our educational journey after completing our Bachelors together. It was exciting to meet and work with new and continuing peers as well as educators. As I complete this next step of my journey and prepare for the next I wish many blessings and dreams come true for all those who will end their educational journey here. I am in the process of applying for Walden’s Doctoral program and will continue my education to the next level. Thank you for all the feedback, suggestions, and input throughout the course. I have taken it and learned from each of you.


4 thoughts on “Finishing the Masters the Educational Journey”

  1. I think it is great that you decided to pursue a doctorate, I am still searching for a program that draws my attention. I wish you all the success, you are capable of achieving all your dreams and goals! Good luck in your next journey.

    Laura Torres

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